Here we go, a podcast, a new podcast at that. One I have been wanting to do for a long time but a few things got in the way, mostly life, COVID, working too much and working too little. 

So what is The Grumpy Podographer all about ? I hear you ask.

The Grumpy Podographer.

Firstly I have been called a curmudgeon on many occasions by peers, sponsors and family. Yes that is true although I would argue the level of curmudgeoness is open for debate as there seems to be a discrepancy. This of course spills over into my work, not to say I’m grumpy too much but I like to say what’s on my mind. 

Which led me to making this podcast, over the years I’ve found others that are equally grumpy in the photography industry and not because people are grumpy the hell of it. However it’s the grind that the photography industry puts us through. 

Every pro-photographer has some great stories to tell, some sad, some happy and some WTF !! And it’s here that we want to share our experiences of making our way through the daily grind of our chosen careers. Being a pro-photographer isn’t easy and if this podcast helps those looking to get into the industry then great, else you might enjoy it anyway.


What to expect.

Every two weeks or so, Mick and I will take a look at the latest news and pick one topic to grind away the fat. We have a tonne of topics to wade through, both pulling from over 40 years of photography experience between us.

While we start recording our first 10 episodes before release, here is a list of a few topics we will be covering.

Why would anyone want to be a wedding photographer ? 

Time for print, who gets the best deal ?

Don’t give me exposure, pay me.

How to lose horrible clients.

YouTubers, friend or foe ?


Loose photographers

Hopefully you get the idea, we will not be afraid to say things left of center of course, those that have heard me on other podcasts will know that. If you have been on one of my classes, tours etc you will know I talk from the hip. 

Mick joins me as co-host, who equally has an axe to grind with some sections of our industry. We can;t wait to get started and hope you join us when we are ready to launch.


The Grumpy Podographer Podcast For Professional Photographers

Join Us Every Two Weeks
Starting September 2021

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